It was my sixth trip to India, so I must love traveling there. But it always takes a while for my senses to catch up to India time. Whenever I leave the airport in Delhi I am gobsmacked by crowds, …
Tag: Travel
My Best Exotic Udaipur Places
Perhaps you remember the scene in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)* when Evelyn (Judi Dench) swigs a gin and tonic thinking that it’s a glass of water. Well, that was filmed on the rooftop terrace of the Jagat Niwas …
Memories of Oaxaca—T+L’s Best City in the World, 2020
My over-60-travel cohorts are bursting to return to the road, but we pretty much agree that it is still too early to travel. So, many of us have been returning to our memories and daydreams again and again.

The Gift of Travel, and Tchotchkes Along the Way

Gifts You Never Knew You Wanted
1) Breast Milk Lollipops (4 for $8)
2) Snail secretion face mask
3) Home genetic engineering kit
4) Golf club urinal
5) Fish training kit…
The Changing Nature of Nostalgia in the Pandemic: When the Past is Barely Past

The past: it will never come again = sadness.
The past: some wonderful memories = joy.
The past: wasn’t as good as we remember and our memories may be inaccurate = healthy dose of reality.
People all have …