“I reached the point of thinking there were no more masterpieces to discover, until I saw I Know Where I’m Going!“
—Martin Scorsese

Perhaps you share this feeling: Why doesn’t everybody love the same films that I do? (or …
“I reached the point of thinking there were no more masterpieces to discover, until I saw I Know Where I’m Going!“
—Martin Scorsese
Perhaps you share this feeling: Why doesn’t everybody love the same films that I do? (or …
I recently posted a query on my blog for solo female travelers, inviting readers to share a moment that took their breath away. Replies included Lusaka, Gambia; Denali National Park …
… As for the bridge on the River Kwai, it crossed the river only in the imagination of its author.
(Ronald Searle, To the Kwai and Back: War drawings 1939–45, 1986)